Saturday, August 31, 2019

Influence of Confucianism on China Essay

Confucianism is a system of philosophy and religious practice that sprouted in China around 500 B. C. E, and which has had a tremendous impact on Chinese culture and politics since. It was created by a social philosopher named Kong-Fu-Tzu, who being convinced of his ability to restore order to the world devised a philosophy of morality and social duty. Unlike other political philosophies of the time such as legalism, Confucius placed importance on proper action through a moral code, not a legal code. This moral code was solidified with the threat of intense shame, both in the eyes of the living and in those of your ancestors who watch over your actions. But in codifying his philosophies in such a manner, he also set his own short-sightedness, misogyny and dated thinking into an immutable morality that plagues the Chinese to this day. It is in this way that any positive characteristics of Confucianism give way to the corruption of politicians and the serious injustice of the concept of filial piety as laid down by Confucius’ disciples. And furthermore, it is difficult to address these issues within the scope of Confucianism because they are the ways of â€Å"ancient wisdom† transmitted by Confucius, and are treated as immutably righteous. So, the injustice of Confucianism and the social disparity it promotes plagued China for millennia even to this day in some respects. Indeed, I believe Confucianism has had on overall negative impact on China. Confucianism, like Hinduism with its Code of Manu, has a hierarchical system that separates peoples into castes ordained by heaven. These castes are slightly less specific than in the aforementioned example, but they are still a very real dynamic in Confucian thought. Each person is considered to have duties to certain people or â€Å"filial piety† (Confucius, 45), a subject must serve his h/er ruler, a child must respect h/er parents, a wife must obey her husband. And though these relationships are reciprocal, as a ruler has a duty also to his subject, they are each organized in regard to a superior to h/er inferior. Rulers are seen as having a â€Å"Mandate from Heaven†, and to disobey your ruler is to bring shame upon yourself and your relatives. So not only was there legal repercussion for disobedience, but also the engrained shame of having disobeyed at all, even if you are being wronged or abused. Besides these stringent class divisions, women are treated as intrinsically inferior to men as a whole, making it exceedingly difficult for Chinese women. Male offspring are extremely important to a family as the Chinese divine heredity through the male parent and a grown son can be considered in breach of his filial piety, and thus shame his family, if he does not give birth to a son. As mentioned earlier, a woman must also obey her husband as part of her filial piety. To do otherwise would be to shame herself and her family. Moreover, a woman’s duty to her family demands that she marry whomever her parents see fit, which makes her beholden to both her parents, and to a man whom she did not choose as her spouse. In the Book of Mencius, it describes women as living through three subordinations, to their fathers as a child, to their husbands as an adult, and to their sons in old age (Lin Yu Tang, 743). All in all, Confucianism served to heighten the struggles of women in an already patriarchal society. Having been introduced to these inequalities in Confucian thought, it may come as little surprise that Confucius described a serious mandate of the state over the individual. Those in such castes as were seen fit to rule over others afforded themselves much power, and little can be done to challenge a hierarchy in which defiance means shame in the eyes of all your ancestors. Subjects owe filial piety to their ruler, and as such a ruler must be righteous in his actions, but is considered the clear superior to the ruled. Should a ruler not fulfill his duties properly, the peasants are still controlled by him. So, while the ruler can break his duties to his subjects and still retain the power to control them, the ruled must risk a great deal in breaking their duties to the tyrant. Thus, the concept of filial piety to ones ruler only serves to embed tyrants, and does not provide any real recourse should a ruler break his own supposed filial piety to the ruled. An interesting example of this sort of filial piety to a ruler can be seen in the Chinese â€Å"Book of Songs†, in which this poem appears in the section set aside for â€Å"folk and peasant songs†: â€Å"To be rejoiced in are ye, noble men, The foundations of the State. To be rejoiced in are ye, noble men; — May your years be myriads and without end! † (Nan-Shan-You-Tai, Poem 172). That such a poem might be considered a folk song seems strange as it seeks only to glorify noblemen. Such is the bias engrained in the poor that the noblemen above them were to be â€Å"rejoiced in†. Another of the most important tents of Confucianism is deference to, and respect for your superiors, especially your parents. Filial piety to ones parents is paramount in Chinese families, and there are many stories of children in ancient times that went to absurd measures to please their parents. Some of the known ways that children have been made to bend to their parents will borders on utter child abuse. One story speaks of a child named Min Tzu-chien who let himself nearly freeze to death to appease a cruel stepmother (Brians, para. 4). Another relates the tale of Wu Meng, a boy in the Chin Dynasty who purportedly let his belly be feasted upon by mosquitoes numbering in the hundreds so they would not feed on his parents (Brians, para. 5). A particularly telling tale of this kind is the story of Kuo Chi, who lived during the Han Dynasty, was very poor, and who cared for his mother and three year old son. He could not feed either fully, and his mother often gave a portion of her food to her grandson so he would not hunger. Kuo Chi having seen this, told his wife â€Å"It would be better if we buried our son. We can always get another son, but it is impossible to get another Mother. † Kuo Chi then dug a grave in which to bury his son, but upon completing it he found a pot of gold which read â€Å"Officials cannot take it, people may not steal it† (Brians, para. 6-7). Kuo Chi was rewarded for his willingness to sacrifice the life of his inferior duty (his son) in favor of his greater duty to his mother. While the level of truth in such ancient stories is suspect, they represent the way in which Confucius’ idea of filial piety could be bent to allow for horrible injustice and child abuse. Confucian disciples also instituted a National Testing System for political office. The purpose of which was to insure that rulers were chosen on merit and not on lineage. But though Confucius advised a thorough education regardless of class, it was simply not the case in much of China. Learning was important, but the poor simply could not afford to give their children the full range of education necessary to succeed in the examinations. China became a watered-down sort of Oligarchy where only those wealthy enough to give their children a thorough education could hope to see their children into public office, and disparity between castes increased because of it. Meritocracy can not exist where equality of opportunity does not. All of these things can be considered unjust, unfair and even despicable in some instances, but the notion of changing them is difficult while maintaining Confucianism because like most philosophy rooted in spirituality, to deny the prophet often is seen as denying heaven. The traditional Chinese were severely limited by Confucianism because they believed any deviance from the righteous way of life prescribed by Confucius could lead to great shame and sorrow, to complacency and stagnation. And yet, Confucianism has continued in China even to modern times, though the Communist Government seeks to be rid of it. New troubles have been loosed because of Confucianism including but not limited to â€Å"sex specific infanticide† in which female babies are aborted in favor of male children because the Chinese Government has placed a cap on the number of children a family can have. The strong preference for male children, fed by Confucianism, is directly responsible for this horror. What new problems these outmoded ways of thinking, thousands of years dated, will bring up no one can tell. But as long as the tenets of Confucianism meet transgressors with shame and derision, it will no doubt continue to have a negative impact on China as a whole. Works Cited Confucius and Jennings, William trans. The Confucian Analects. New York: George Routledge and Sons, Limited, 1895. Waley, Arthur trans. Book of Songs: The Ancient Chinese Classic of Poetry. New York: Grove Press, 1996. Yutang, Lin ed. The Wisdom of India and China. New York: Random House, 1942. Brians, Paul. â€Å"Examples of Filial Piety (14th Century CE). † Reading About the World, Volume I. 1998. Washington State University. 23 Mar. 2006, .

Legalizing Infant Euthanasia

Since the evolution of man, infants have been born with severe illnesses. These infants may be able to survive due to advancing technologies, but are left with possible and probable defects. Many infants will die even though they are being treated because they are not equipped to sustain life. These circumstances have led to the debatable issue of infant euthanasia, or mercy killing, to allow these babies an end to their suffering, and die peacefully. While many people feel that euthanasia is murder, infant euthanasia should be legalized to spare terminally ill newborns of long, painful deaths, and to spare them of possible life-long disabilities. Euthanasia is said to be morally wrong by pro-life groups. They point out that infant's may not be suffering while they are dying. They also emphasize that advances in pain management make it possible to relieve all or almost all pain. These people say that children should be saved at all costs, no matter how great the disability may be. They accentuate that the infants may be saved due to advancing technology, and that there are also therapy treatments for their possible disabilities. However, in considering whether or not to treat a newborn, the main goal should be to spare infants of long, painful deaths. Most experts believe that the primary answer to this issue is to follow what's in the child's best interests. If his mental and physical handicaps are overwhelming and it would be inhumane to prolong his life, then treatment should be withheld or withdrawn. After all, saving an infant for a life of suffering is hardly a humane and loving act. An infant was born with a skin condition similar to third-degree burns over almost all of its body for which there was no cure. The baby's mother was young, unwed, and indigent. Providing basic nursing care caused tearing away of the skin. The infant could not be fed orally because of blistering in the mouth and throat. Any movement of the infant seemed to cause it pain. Even with intensive care its life expectancy, at most, was believed to be days. It would have been reasonable, merciful, and justifiable to have shortened the baby's dying by an intended direct action chosen by the parent and the neonatologists. In cases relevantly like this, it is not immoral or morally wrong to intend and effect a merciful end to a life that, all things considered, will be meaningless to the one who lives it and an unwarranted burden for others to support. Among the women who work in the Stanford intensive care nursery, several said that if they were to have an extremely premature baby, they would not want it to be treated aggressively. One woman said that if she knew what was about to happen she would stay away from a hospital with a sophisticated intensive care unit. Others say they would make sure they were under the care of a doctor who would not press the extremes on survival. Many parents would make a similar choice but are not given the opportunity. It has been called a violation of God's commandment not to kill. â€Å"†¦ in effect, the demand that physicians fight death at all costs is a demand that they play God. It is a demand that they conquer nature, thereby declaring themselves more powerful than God's order. † Perhaps the ideal of conquest will be replaced by the ideal of living in agreement with nature. The most benign technology works in harmony with natural causes rather than intruding on them. The â€Å"Baby Doe† rule is a list of guidelines stating that a baby should be treated aggressively with very few exceptions. These exceptions to the rule are when â€Å"the infant is chronically and irreversibly comatose†, when the treatment would merely prolong dying, not be effective in ameliorating or correcting all of the infant's life-threatening conditions, or otherwise be futile in terms of the survival of the infant†, and when â€Å"treatment would be virtually futile in terms of the survival of the infant and the treatment itself under such circumstances would be inhumane†¦ This policy rather loudly states that parents and professionals may not consider the salvageable infant's life prospects no matter how harmful they may appear. A graphic illustration of the potential harm in the treatment of a handicapped infant is provided by Robert and Peggy Stinson's account of their son Andrew who was born at a gestational age of 24 1/2 weeks and a weight of 800 grams. He was placed on a respirator against his parents' wishes and without their consent, and remained dependent on the respirator for five months, until he was finally permitted to die. The seemingly endless list of Andrew's afflictions, almost all of which were iatrogenic, reveals how disastrous this hospitalization was. Baby Andrew was, in effect saved by the respirator to die five ling, painful, and expensive months later of the respirator's side effects. â€Å"†¦ the physicians who treated him violated an ancient and honored Hippocratic principle of professional ethics,`Primum non nocere', First do no harm. As shown in the examples above, infants that are treated aggressively will die more slowly and painfully than if they were allowed a quick and peaceful death. By using aggressive treatment on severely ill infants, many are â€Å"saved† to live with life-long disabilities. To demand that physicians use intensive care technology beyond the point when it is likely to assist with a patient's problems, as the Baby Doe regulations require, is to demand that they violate their professional commitment to do no harm. To argue that infants must be treated aggressively, no matter how great their disabilities, is to insist that the nursery become a torture chamber and that infants unequipped to live be deprived of their natural right to die. Helen Harrison, author of â€Å"The Premature Baby Book: a Parent's Guide to Coping and Caring in the First Years†, wrote about how families are at the mercy of an accelerating life-support technology and of their physicians' personal philosophies and motives concerning its use. She wrote after interviewing numerous parents and physicians in heartbreaking situations of delivery-room and nursery crises, â€Å"I sympathize with physicians' concerns when parents request that there be no heroic measures. However, I sympathize infinitely more with families forced to live with the consequences of decisions made by others. Above all, I sympathize with infants saved for a lifetime of suffering. † The decisions involving the care of hopelessly ill and disabled newborns should be left to the traditional processes, to parents and physicians who do the best they can under difficult circumstances. B. D. Cohen, author of â€Å"Hard Choices† wrote, â€Å"Until such time as society is willing to pay the bill for truly humane institutions of twenty-four-hour home care for all such infants, to offer than death or living death, shouldn't these decisions be left to those who will have to live with them? † There is a disease called Spina Bifida which affects between six thousand and eleven thousand newborns in the United States each year. The children are alive but require urgent surgery to prevent their handicap to intensify and bring about death. Paralysis, bladder and bowel incontinence, hydrocephalus or water on the brain are all part of the child's future. Severe mental retardation, requiring total custodial care, is the likely fate of 10% of the 15% of the children. Some 10% of the children will die prior to reaching the first grade, in spite of aggressive medical care. These infants, incapable of making their own decisions, deserve to be spared the pain and suffering of such severe diseases and illnesses. Although some claim that euthanasia is the killing of a human, infant euthanasia should be legalized to spare severely ill babies of drawn-out, excruciating deaths, and to spare them of the possible defects from their illnesses. Infants continue to be born with such disabling illnesses daily. Many parents are left burdened throughout their lifetimes. They may not be prepared to provide the round-the-clock treatment that is needed. New York State should bring about peace by legalizing euthanasia, and end the suffering for all people intimately involved in situations described previously.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Advance Effects On Eearly Relationship Against Tinagers Essay

The biggest threat about teenage dating is their inability to maintain a relationship. Teenagers mostly, do not understand the necessity of sustaining a relationship over a period of time. Therefore, frequent break ups and fights lead to attempts of suicide, teenage pregnancy or mental instability in extreme cases. This happens due to lack of experience and a broader understanding of what relationships are. Teenage relationship deals more with exploring their new-found youthfulness than exploring the extent of love. This makes them reduce a relationship to the concept of possessing a boyfriend or a girlfriend making them lose sight of what is important. This is why we have more cases of teenage dating than cases of everlasting friendship. Most teenagers lack the proper understanding of balancing friendship and dating causing even best friends to grow apart. This also implies increasing isolation with their new found boyfriends or girlfriends making them further unavailable and unexposed to potential friends in their immediate circle. The most visible negative impact of teenage dating is the school grades. Teenagers lose interest in studies and this is emblematic of their shifting priorities in life. This involves a double failure when teenagers lose their marks in class followed by problems in a relationship on the personal front. FURTHERMORE As teens develop emotionally, they are heavily influenced by their relationship experiences. Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teen’s emotional development. Unhealthy, abusive, or violent relationships may contribute to negative consequences. Research focused on the consequences of teen dating violence have similar limitations as those focused on identifying risk factors for teen dating violence making it difficult to make causal connections between teen dating violence and  certain outcomes. DESPITE LIMITATIONS, CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH SUGGESTS THAT VICTIMS OF TEEN DATING VIOLENCE ARE MORE LIKELY TO: Do poorly in school or not attend school due to feeling unsafe. Report binge drinking, smoking, using drugs, or engaging in unhealthy diet behaviors, including taking diet pills or laxatives and vomiting to lose weight. Become pregnant or have an STD. Attempt suicide and report feelings of hopelessness and sadness. Develop a negative body image and become uncomfortable with their sexuality be overly dependent on others and not achieving independence Ending up into violent adult relationships. VICTIMS OF TEEN DATING VIOLENCE MAY ALSO FIND IT VERY CHALLENGING TO Establish intimacy with a partner; Become a positive member of society; Develop a personal value system; And establish an adult identity. Abusers involved in teen dating violence create a pattern of behavior for themselves, which puts them at risk for ruining future relationships. In addition, perpetrators of teen dating violence may be more likely to bully and perpetrate violence against their peers. The earlier a problem is recognized, the sooner it can be addressed.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Research Paper

Implementation of Enterprise Architecture - Research Paper Example In addition, business architecture acts as a foundation for the organization in aspects relating to missions and vision of the organization. Furthermore, business architecture allows the top-level management to make future decisions about the organization and allow them to communicate changes that follow those decisions across the organization. In order to achieve its purpose, the business architecture has significant aspects, which include information, processes, functionality, and organizational roles. According to Murer, Bonai & Furrer (2010), information involves the core details and systems, which provide store and process critical business information. All this information is arranged in a model that allows all this details to be implemented easily. Business functions are provided through the use of applications. The business functions are normally linked to the information model to be able to analyze any gaps or misalignments that may be present in the application. In addition , by linking the business functionality to the information architecture, a clear description of what information are used for particular purposes are known. The business process involves clear and flexible workflows that allow frequent process to be identified in multiple processes. Well-designed operational processes will allow efficient capturing and processing of data. To ensure that operation of processes is efficient, different roles are assigned to various organizational structures, which result to critical decisions being put in to action. Enterprise Application Architecture According to Murer, Bonai and Furrer (2010), use of various functionalities in application architecture forms an application landscape, which can be used to provide definite business purposes. In addition, for the application architecture to accomplish its purpose certain software parts need to be combined to sustain the business process. The software component will include data structures, programs, conf igurations and related documentation. The application landscape will have domains, which contain information related to the business. That is business functions and entities. A large application landscape may necessitate the use of several domains and sub-domains to allow efficient management. Murer (2010) note that application domains should be chosen in such a way that applications in the same domain could be linked to one another than when in different domains. This endures that quality is not compromised. In addition, the choice of a domain model needs to be carefully selected taking into account the processes and products being incorporated into the domain. Furthermore, closely linked applications in the same domain will have a crucial influence on the use of the application landscape. The domain will assist in breaking down the data used in the application landscape in to minor easily manageable components. Modeling approach will entail preparation of a catalog of functi ons and data both on an appropriate level (Murer, 2010). This will be followed by assigning each function and data to the suited sub domain. In addition, certain regulations will be used to assign data to the sub domains. These include cohesion, which is the measure of how the functionality and data are related, and how the components inside the sub domain work. Further, low coupling will ensure less dependency between the sub domains, whereas a

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

CRISIS COMMUNICATION ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRISIS COMMUNICATION ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Pirates were armed with deadly weapons including AK-47 rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and Anti-tank rocket launches at the time of the attack that could devastate the ship. The pirates are dressed in military fatigues. Furthermore, they use high tech satellites equipments to communicate with their mother ship. The high tech phones and GPS systems were used by terrorist pirates to coordinate attacks using small but very fast speed boats that are resupplied by mother ship. When the pirates fired on the ship, crew members gathered all the passengers in a central lounge away from decks and windows during the attack. Luckily, no serious hurts have been reported. However, a number of passengers and crew members are under shock and ship sustained minor damages. The pirates followed Smooth Magic ship and boarded it on Monday morning after four hour chase. The ship through its captain sent a distress call but no naval ship was near at that time to rescue it. Following fierce attack on the ship, the captain surrendered the ship to pirates to secure safety of all people on board as well as the entire ship. The Smooth Magic was then commandeered by the pirates to southern part of Somalia. This brings to ten the number of vessels that pirates are holding captive with passengers and crew in the lawless southern section of Somali. ... The hijacking incident is being monitored closely by the company in collaboration with relevant Maritime authorities to protect the lives of passengers and crew members on board and the ship at large. The Smooth Magic cruise ship has six hundred passengers and three hundred crew members on board. On board the cruise ship are American, Europeans, Asians and Africans. According to captain John Williams of the Smooth Magic, the number of pirates who hijacked Smooth Magic is estimated to be about forty eight. The company has been communicating with the Captain, who updates the company on the developments and he has assured the company that no single person has been hurt so far. Furthermore, there are no incidents of pirate’s ruthlessness because our crew members and passengers cooperated. The pirates have also not robbed passengers of their personal belongings because their leader categorically stated that they are only interested on ransom and have instructed his fellow armed pir ates not to rob passengers or crew members. Communication between the company and the pirates via satellite phone revealed that the pirates are demanding a ransom of $500,000. The leader of the pirates only known has Adan refused to divulge more information about themselves but promised to keep the passengers, crew members and entire ship safe if their demands are met. This unfortunate hijacking incident is the first to happen to our ships. However, the company is doing all it can to ensure that all passengers and crew on board as well as the entire ship are safe. The company is negotiating with the pirates on the best possible outcome. The company considers the hijacking incident serious. Hence, it has placed the incident on high dimension/high control crisis.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discuss the implications of long and short term tracheostomy tubes on Essay

Discuss the implications of long and short term tracheostomy tubes on physiotherapy patient management - Essay Example Inhibition of the airway by any foreign body in the lynx is also a reason that would lead to a tracheotomy. The other reason is the inability to remove any secretions from the trachea. Another reason is sleeping problems in obese individuals leading to restricted breathing (Johnson, Gluckman, & Sanders, 2001). Lastly damage to the vocal cord which causes swallowing difficulties that lead to aspiration problems is another major reason. The management of patients with tracheotomy tubes is carried out by an individual with specialized skill to avoid any complications (Wijesinghe & Gough, 2000). The patients require regular care on the tracheotomy tube to ensure they are clean and are in good working conditions (Goldstein, 2004). The wound should be cleaned regularly to avoid infection that may lead to complications later. The pipes need to be suctioned regularly to avoid any blockages that may impede with the regular functioning of the tracheotomy-tubes (Ji, Kim & Park, 2002). The patients need to be educated on basic measures that they should observe in order to decrease the risk of infections and on how to care for the tracheotomy tubes (Lewarski, 2005). For example the patients should ensure that they avoid touching the tracheotomy tubes with unclean hands. In addition the patients should be advised to clean the wound when instructed to by the medical practitioner only (May & Porter, 2008). The patients are advised to see a doctor if they experience any pain or notice any thing out of the ordinary to ensure that any complication or issue is attended to on time (Morris & Afifi, 2010). The management of the care givers who take care of tracheotomy patients is done through proper training. These care givers who are physiotherapists are provided with the correct equipment to ensure that they offer the patients the best care. These equipments include

Monday, August 26, 2019

Explain the difficulty in accounting for service trade versus tangible Essay

Explain the difficulty in accounting for service trade versus tangible goods in the Balance of Payments (BOP) framework - Essay Example Therefore, such transactions may not be reported, recorded, or even traced. As opposed to physical goods, the valuation of services is considered to be a difficult task as there may not be a single basis for measuring them and different companies within a single country may be using different approaches to recording of financial data. It is also impossible to deliver the same service or standard of service to customers which may create an argument that services may not recorded on a standardized manner (Arnold, 2011). It is also understood that the valuation of financial services including derivatives can have varying effects on balance of payments of different countries as they are based on different bases of measurement. Furthermore, there may be lacking of benchmarks which can be used for recording and measuring of services. Therefore, it is impossible to include all items of services in the current

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Public Administration- Program Development Coursework

Public Administration- Program Development - Coursework Example purpose of the introduction of the Department of Human Resources in the company is to ensure that there is workforce diversity across all departments as the purpose of the department is always to ensure that all the matters regarding the employees as a company’s assets are taken care of. In this project that the introduction of the department is proposed, it is very important to ensure that the success or the level to which the initiative is effective is examined or evaluated. In this chapter, we are going to analyze the changes that are apparent in the introduction following the introduction of the department. This is going to be done by having the trend analysis of the average level of workforce diversity within the organization. This table shows an hypothetical trend analysis of the average level of workforce diversity for the company before and after the introduction or implementation of the department of human resources. In this hypothetical example, we find that the trend in the data shows that the workforce diversity ‘s level with the organization saw an increase from slightly to moderately during the two different periods of transition on average. However, the post data shows that the introduction of the Department of Human Resources greatly accelerated the rate of the increase to which the organization was becoming more diversity racially or ethnically. On top of reviewing the overall workforce diversity level for the organization, trend analysis can be done for individual departments. This analysis will help in examining the level or extend to which the individual departments have succeeded in hiring more qualified minority candidates and also the level to which they have been in rise in the overall workforce diversity level within their structures. In addition, the comparative trend analysis can be done to examine the performance across the departments. This can always be done both at micro and macro levels. The departments that have been chosen

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Poetry and the World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Poetry and the World - Essay Example Learning institutions are interested on inventing the most effective ways of preparing students for future social responsibilities. Teachers have also felt the need of offering fewer lectures, integrating modern technology in the learning experience, employment of collaborative learning strategies when appropriate and to making the learning environment more favorable and interactive (Bonwell and Eison 47). This paper aims at reviewing a series of previous lessons that demonstrate significant promotion of pupil learning strategies in the curriculum area of literacy. The review will extensively analyze the entire activities in the poetry training lessons. The sequence of the study will begin by a rationalized explanation of the selection of certain ideas in lessons as well as identification of order in classroom lessons. This is followed by the description of the lesson’s implementation plan and the identification of lesson goals and objectives. The most effective way of actuali zing pedagogical method will also be discussed in line with the acquired knowledge after full execution of the method. Finally, the study will undertake an evaluative reflection on the lessons. This will necessitate the evaluation the strengths and weaknesses training approach. The factors that have led to the success of the lesson will equally be discussed in the essay. The study will commence by reviewing the first lesson in the sequence of six lessons taught in literacy, which entailed working with a lively and chatting group of pupils in Primary 6/5. The aim of the interactive participation was to incorporate writing in teaching poetry. According to facilitation learning theory, effectively learning is in most cases facilitated by teachers serving as facilitators to pupils by creating an atmosphere where students will feel comfortable to discuss their past activities and experiences (Phillips 43). Therefore, I decided to use this approach to facilitate the development of the pup il’s literacy skills by giving pupils opportunities to communicate, collaborate, and build relationships. The incorporation of students in class activities is incredibly vital in facilitating active learning. As defined, active learning is the introduction of a favorable environment that gives an opportunity for students to listen, write, reflect, and read. Active learning is necessitated by role playing, cases study, problem-solving exercises, as well as formation of informal group discussion (Carson 97). Recent studies have as well confirmed that, active learning is extremely decisive motivating learning among students. Through active learning, pupils developed creative writing practice in prose. As a result of employing active learning approach, I did not encounter much trouble in handing pupils assignments that involved individuals and collaborative writing. Moreover, pupils under study were in the second level of Literacy in A Curriculum for Excellence (CFE). According t o CFE guidelines, after every lesson, pupils are expected to have developed the ability to create their own stories, poems, and plays with appealing structures, characters, and settings. ENG 1-31a We as well employed communication mechanism in the lesson by sharing past experiences form teachers and students. Through effective communication,

Friday, August 23, 2019

The March That Started a Movement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The March That Started a Movement - Case Study Example Time has come to praise the contribution King made to free the African American community from the slavery they were forced into for years by their white oppressors. This essay is significant for those who live in third world countries, in the end giving them the faith that, one day, they will also become strong leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. King was a minister from Alabama, who would later become the leading voice of the civil rights movement. For that, he traveled across the country, simultaneously arranging protests and marches to bring attention to the fight which African Americans faced on a day-to-day basis. Like many before him who had sought to end social prejudice and injustice, King was thrown in jail on several times; throughout the ordeal he sustained a personal viewpoint of peacefulness as a means of succeeding. He thought that taking a combative attitude would perhaps just formulate things of inferior quality, with the accurate way to success being achieved through avocation of both truth and acceptance. King is perhaps most famous for his approach during the Civil Rights Movement. He too would be impacted by the events of the movement, or by means of eminence at rest become diehard. In fact King and Quaid i.e azam were the best symbols of the historic civil rights movements of the 20th century which serve d to enhance the lives for a greater part of the world's common people. They established the efficiency of diplomatic tactics and by this means were able to help to decrease the violence and hate, with the purpose of triumphing over colonialism, as well as officially imposed cultural unfairness. In 1962, frustration had become widespread in African American communities throughout the country. The African American unemployment rate was twice as high in comparison to the rate of whites and sadly, major human rights reforms had not yet been accomplished. Asa Philip Randolph, labor leader and founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, had labeled the suggestion of a march as a need "for jobs and freedom." One of the most essential points of the march was the demand that Congress be interested in the process leading towards the anticipation of civil rights legislation. Negroes had become irritated by continued unfairness. Their definitive ambition was total, unqualified freedom for themselves. The mainstream white progressives were heated by the rough treatment given to the African American community. The march in the beginning was considered to be an affair, which would serve to remedy the distressed circumstances faced by the blacks in the South, along with an excepti onally free break on the road to placing organizers' concerns, as well as their objections, squarely before the seat of power in the nation's capital. They proceeded to condemn the federal government not being in favor of human rights and corporeal shelter of civil rights workers and blacks that lived, by and large, in the South. On the other hand, the factions did submit to presidential demands and authority of the Executive branch of government. Historically, most would consider the March on Washington as an especially momentous occurrence, not just in the United States, but the rest of the world as well. In excess of 250,000 people came to Washington in their bid to insist that equal opportunity for blacks are given and that Congress must

Public Attitudes to Youth Crime Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public Attitudes to Youth Crime - Case Study Example The report involved applying a qualitative approach to research in which 125 participants were engaged; of which 68 were female while 57 were male. All the participants were between 18 and 76 years of age. A focus group methodology was then applied to analyzing the diversity and range of community attitudes towards youth perpetrated crime, and the reasons underlying the presented views. The article identified youth delinquency and antisocial behavior as a major source of concern and contributor to local crime statistics. Youth groups that often hang around neighborhoods and public spaces are described as intimidating presences that start out being moderately petty annoyances and disruptive in behavior, before moving on to behavior that could be intentionally intimidating and offensive, before graduating to committing outright violence. Antisocial behavior was also presented when the youth engaged in vandalism, damaged cars, smashed windows and place graffiti on public spaces. The art icle further argues that the local community had failed on curtailing youth delinquency and antisocial behavior, by failing to discipline the youth they condoned the behavior and allowed the youth to graduate into worse forms of delinquency. The local community and parents were not the only groups’ assigned blame for youth delinquency and antisocial behavior, the weak and ineffectual criminal justice system was also assigned blame. Poor parenting and the diminished sense of community were specifically identified as the major factors that allowed the youth to grow up without the understanding that their actions had consequences or respect for authority.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Technology In The Workplace Essay Example for Free

Technology In The Workplace Essay In my workplace, an acute care hospital with 968 beds and a workforce of approximately 5,000 employees, technology is a huge part of the operations.   As a matter of fact, technology has become necessary and fundamental not only in the usual day-to-day activities of the hospital like keeping patients’ medical records, doctors’ schedules, employees’ salaries and the like, but also as an added accommodation for patients who have special needs or requests. The operating systems used are Microsoft Windows (Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional) and the Macintosh Operating System to avoid a sense of monopoly and hence providing a choice for the users, depending on which system they are more familiar with or which one better serves their needs.    For example, Apple Macintosh is preferred over IBM computers by some physicians for research purposes and further education in the medical field. The functionality of computers is extended from just being a set of relational databases because it can be maximized further to the benefit of both the hospital and the patients.   Since all areas of the hospital are equipped with computers that have ready access to the Internet, the inter-connectivity is taken advantage of in many ways. Networks are established within the workplace to have an easier access to information in and out of the company.   Cisco router is used for broad infrastructure and the Nortel network for remote access.   For patient documentation from multi-disciplinary venues, the UNIX server and the Sunrise Clinical Manager are used.   All patients and vendors have can have unlimited access to the Guest Wireless network through a code that can be obtained after signing up with the IT Department. Although previously used mostly in business establishments and big hotels, audio/video conferencing is also presently being provided by our hospital.   In one instance, the daughter of one of our female patients was getting married in another state.   Unfortunately, her mother was hospitalized and was therefore unable to attend the ceremony.   Knowing that this was one occasion the mother would not want to miss, the system was set up in her room where she could view the wedding and hear what was going on.   At the same time, the bride and groom could see and hear her.   The patient even dressed up for the occasion while the hospital staff provided flowers and the hospital’s communication department took charge of the hook-up. Furthermore, the hospital has a secured website that allows virtual private remote access.   The hospital employees can easily access a site to view their pays tubs.   For the public, a site provides information on the hospital’s roster of doctors and their specializations, the types of health services available including outpatient services, and general information about the hospital. In addition to all these, the hospital has two (2) patient channels from which they could view chapel services or listen to soft music while viewing scenes that allows meditation, prayer or just plain mental relaxation.   These are exclusively for in-patients’ use and are not available to the public outside the hospital. The hospital is also a teaching facility for would-be doctors and nurses but at present, it does not fully provide distance education.   It has links to the Medical Library for the use of its students and the hospital personnel, but it does not have computer-based academic programs that provide full education. Essentially, with the advent of technology, the hospital has become more than just a place where sick people go for treatment.   It has also become a sanctuary for the sick where they could listen to soothing music or take part in religious services without having to leave their hospital bed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Factors in a Commercial Contract

Factors in a Commercial Contract INTRODUCTION: A commercial contract is a contract viewed by the courts unless it has been indicated otherwise, to be legally binding. It doesnt have to be a written contract, as any contract between two parties that mostly relates to a commercial issue, is known as a commercial contract. It can be contract between a corporation and its customers, or the corporations themselves. To ensure that all contracts are legally binding, there is a structure that has been set in place by the law, that shows the ways and means to draft these agreements and to be made fully aware of that, breaking of these contractual agreements is a very serious offense in the eyes of the law. TERMS IMPLIED BY STATUE FROM CUSTOM AND STRUCTURE: In commercial trades, there are implied terms into the contract that must be contracted out of on the off chance that they fulfil the sensibility test laid out in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. In contracts for the offer of products and supply of facilities, certain essential arrangements are suggested by statute with a specific end goal to give security to buyers. Commercial contract utilises the validation of their agreement within the contract. An example of this will be the terms and conditions that both the consumer and cooperation are legally constrained to, within their contractual agreement. The representation of the courts come into place here, as through consumer rights to reimburse on any damages the consumer may have encountered. These suggested terms are circumstances of the agreement signifying the inability to go along, would offer ascent to one side to dismiss. This privilege to dismiss however is constrained by Section 15A where the rupture is so slight, it would be irrational to dismiss. There is a safeguard that ensures the dealer does not have the privilege to offer the merchandise, where the products are sold by interpretation, there is an implied term that the products will compare to its portrayal, and the corporation must guarantee that the products they offer are of an acceptable quality and its purpose. There is an implied term that the merchandise will match its quality, even if they are vended as samples. In the case of Ashington Piggeries [1972], Lord Wilberforce upheld that the test for purchasing by narrative, is more judgment skills test in view of expectation of what the parties needed as opposed to some metaphysical discussions, with regards to the way of what is conveyed, contrary to what was sold.[1] Terms implied from custom or usage, differs from other implied terms. This is solely based upon the reason that, whilst this particular term in question is centred on practice, the other terms are established necessity. Meaning that, this particular implied term, cant eject the express term of the agreement. They are ejected by an essentially implied term, or by intrinsic in the nature of the agreement. As Sir Christopher Staughton said. It is rare in modern times to find that a contract is varied or enlarged by custom.[2] Considering the case of Cuncliffe Owen v Teather and Greenwood [1967], for the conditions of the agreement to be obligatory, it is a necessity that the procedure is notorious, certain and reasonable, and not contrary to lawà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.[3] TERMS IMPLIED BY THE COURTS: The courts interpretation of contracts is important in legal practice. The Privy Councils assistance on the ramifications of agreement terms in Attorney General of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009], has maybe amusingly, turn into a lesson in the troubles of translating a legitimate content. Individuals who make contracts are authorised to discern what the courts will interpret of what a contract agreement is. It is in light of a legitimate concern for the gatherings to an agreement, and in the general population premium, that judges ought to force some limitation to forestall time and cash being squandered in considering a mass of insignificant evidence. The concern of implied terms emerges once the express terms have been understood, and an implied term cant be incorporated where it would disprove an express term. As Bingham MR said (Philips Electronique Grand Public SA v British Sky Broadcasting Ltd (1995)), It is tempting for the court then to fashion a term which will reflect the merits of the situation as they then appear. Tempting but wrong.[4] MS established that it is fundamental for the corporations viability that the duty to reimburse ought to be inferred into the rent. The contradicting contentions on the proprietors part incorporated that the suggested term would lie uneasily with the express rent terms. The express arrangements highlighted that the gatherings had guided them to the particular question of what costs were to be made, if whether or not the leaseholders break was applied. There was a mighty contention this made it wrong for the court to venture in and fill in what was close to an uncertain breach.[5] The decision made in Marks and Spencer Plc v BNP Paribas Securities Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd [2015] was a very important verdict, that made an impact on various tenants and the beliefs based upon whom, preceding to the resolution was deliberated that, in order to substance a bit of fairness, the proprietor shall reimburse the upfront fee that was made, in veneration beyond the disbanding date of the contract, as a result of the tenant effectively applying a break right.[6] At first occasion, Morgan J maintained the occupants claim. Referring to Belize, he asked himself whether the proposed term would illuminate explicitly what the reasonable result will comprehend, regarding the meaning of the agreement made. He perceived that, had the break premium been paid before 25 December, with the goal that it was sure at that date that the break notice would be viable, the occupant would have been qualified for pay just a proportionate piece of the lease for the quarter. As Morgan J establi shed, the suggested implied term is necessary to give business efficacy to the lease.[7] Although the influence of applying the pertinent lawful standards might be out of line bias to the inhabitant or a fortune for the proprietor, those results are probably not going to be adequate to oblige the proprietor to make a reimbursement. The express terms of an agreement will frequently neglect to accommodate a specific arrangement of realities. The court will, for the most part, find that this exclusion was considered, if something was intended to happen, the agreement would have indicated this. At times, be that as it may, the court will imply a term in fact, finding that the agreement truly provides for the issue, though certainly. A term may be implied in the event that it fulfils the trial of corporations needs, or is obvious to the point that its implied, and it will be an uncommon case which fulfils just a single of these two necessities. An imperative element for the Supreme Court was the built up lawful foundation against which the rent was gone into, especially, in connection with the distribution of lease payable ahead of time. It has for quite some time been entrenched that lease, regardless of whether payable in arrear or progress, is not apportion able in time in precedent-based law. While the Apportionment Act 1870 takes into consideration lease payable in arrears.[8] Demonstrated in the case of Ellis v Rowbotham [1900] where the court held that, the Act does not make a difference to lease payable ahead of time. The Court dismissed the contention that Ellis ought to be overruled. The Supreme Court examined in detail Lord Hoffmanns persuasive remarks in Attorney General of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009], where he recommended that the way toward suggesting terms into an agreement was a piece of the practice of the development, or translation, of the agreement. Lord Neuberger give occasion to feel qualms about those remarks regarding them as a characteristically inspired discussion rather than authoritative guidance on the law of inferred terms. [9]Before Belize, it was entrenched that the court would just infer a term into an agreement on the off chance that it was important to give the contract corporation viability, or if the term was obvious to the point that it abandoned the last regularly showed, with the officious bystander test in Shirlaw v Southern Foundries (1926), undermining the test in The Moorcock (1889).[10] On the off chance that neither one of the tests was fulfilled, the misfortune would stay in the exact stop it tumbled. Lord Neuberger then went on to state a very important vital point which was that the express terms of an agreement must be translated before one can consider any question of suggestion. It is simply after the procedure of interpreting the express words is finished that, the issue of an implied term tumbles to be considered. Until one host chose what the gatherings have explicitly concurred, it is hard to perceive how one can set about choosing whether a term ought to be inferred, and if so what term.[11] CONCLUSION: After thoroughly reading into the grounds of implied terms, and the circumstances of which they will apply to, it is clear that there are reserves for an implied term would be reasonable, as well as without it the break right would work eccentrically. Yes, many contract terms can be suggested, however, the act of utilising inferred terms is subject to the courts capacity to give the best possible and planned intention to the terms. The court frequently expects that specific terms are basic learning and that both sides comprehended the meaning of those terms without characterising the terms in detail. If the common significance of the words would prompt to an irrational outcome, then it should be consider whether there is a reasonable hold under other significances. After a contract has been made, neither parties can depend certainties emerging or other information, as a guide to its importance. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Andrews N barrister, Contract law (Cambridge University Press 2011) McCunn J, Belize It or Not: Implied Contract Terms in Marks and Spencer v BNP Paribas (2016) 79(10.1111) ModernLaw Review McKendrick E, Contract law: Text, cases, and materials (6th edn, Oxford University Press 2014) Davies PS, JC Smiths the law of contract (Oxford University Press 2016) Ross C, Supreme Court clarifies law on implied terms: Business efficacy test remains (2016) accessed 20 February 2017 LLP 2017 A, Supreme court restates the law on implied terms (2016) accessed 20 February 2017 Staughton SC, How do Courts Interpret Commercial Contracts (1999) 58(2) The Cambridge Law Journal Weitzenbà ¶ck EM, English Law of Contract: Term pf Contract (Uio, March 2012) accessed 22 February 2017 Supreme Court decision in Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company (Jersey) Limited [2015] UKSC 72, (Falcon Chambers) accessed 22 February 2017 [1] Richard Austen-Baker, Implied terms in English contract law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2011) [2] Richard Austen-Baker, Implied terms in English contract law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2011) 79 [3] Richard Austen-Baker, Implied terms in English contract law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2011) 86 [4] Neil barrister Andrews, Contract law (Cambridge University Press 2011) 372 [5] Joanna McCunn, Belize It or Not: Implied Contract Terms in Marks and Spencer v BNP Paribas (2016) 79(10.1111) ModernLaw Review [6]  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Joanna McCunn, Belize It or Not: Implied Contract Terms in Marks and Spencer v BNP Paribas (2016) 79(10.1111) ModernLaw Review [7]  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Joanna McCunn, Belize It or Not: Implied Contract Terms in Marks and Spencer v BNP Paribas (2016) 79(10.1111) ModernLaw Review [8] Ewan McKendrick, Contract law: Text, cases, and materials (6th edn, Oxford University Press 2014) [9] Paul S. Davies, JC Smiths the law of contract (Oxford University Press 2016) 182 [10]  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Neil barrister Andrews, Contract law (Cambridge University Press 2011) 365 [11]  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Paul S. Davies, JC Smiths the law of contract (Oxford University Press 2016) 182

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hobbes International Relations Theory

Hobbes International Relations Theory Is the international system a Hobbesian ‘war of all against all’? The aim of the paper is to examine the influence of the political theory of Thomas Hobbes which in International Relations has been seen as the basis for the realist understanding on the case of â€Å"anarchy† (Heller, 1980, p.21) in the international system. In his work â€Å"Leviathan†, Hobbes provides us with the idea of the man and the state of nature which he link with the political community. Although he has been criticized because some argue that he creates confusion between nature of the man and the political state, Hobbes is seen as an important figure of realism and realist approaches. The essay starts with a brief information about Hobbes and â€Å"Leviathan† followed by a definition of anarchy and anarchy of the international state of nature. Observing the implication of state of nature, anarchy, sovereignty in the international system I will link them with different criticism in order to be able to determine whether or not the international system is a Hobbesian state of war. After the English Civil War, Hobbes wrote â€Å"Leviathan† to warn Englishmen for the consequences of insubordination (Heller, 1980, p21). This led to significant change in the political views of Hobbes. In Chapter 13, as Donelly (2000, p.13) points out, he presents examples of a â€Å"strong† realism. He attempts to model and explain the political relations between the man and the state of nature by describing it as a state of war, where â€Å"every man is against every man† (Hobbes, 1660; Hackety, 1994). In â€Å"Leviathan†, the state of nature is not government and therefore everyone is entitles with the same status which gives the individual the right to do everything without restrictions. However having â€Å"no moral restrains† (Korab-Karpowicz W. Julian, 2013) and also being greedy for goods makes the individuals invade others to gain. Hobbes describes anarchy as a â€Å"condition† where there is no culture, no industry, no knowledge, no account of time but there is a constant fear and violence and the life of man is â€Å"poor, nasty, brutish, and short† (Leviathan Ref). Despite the critical definition, to avoid such â€Å"condition† men have organized in political orders that provide â€Å"a common power to keep them in awe† it is the state of international relations that bring the danger of anarchy (Hobbes, Heller, 1980, p.24). Hobbes says that the â€Å"kings, and persons of sovereign authority† are in constant conflict because of their â€Å"jealousies† (Hobbes Quoted in Heller, 1980, p24). This could be described as a condition of war among states but they do not violate each other constantly. Moreover in relations between states there is no permanent common authority (Heller, 1980) which means that war remains permanent threat. This condition differs from the state of war – â€Å"every man against every man†, because Yurdusev (2006, p315) suggest that in the international state of nature, states uphold the industry of their subjects which frees the individuals from the misery they experience. Hobbes says that man are equal capable to do things, so even â€Å"the weakest can kill the strongestâ€Å"(Hobbes; Heller, 1980, 20-25). In comparison to the men in their nature, state are not equal to each other. United States and Soviet Union work as example because these two states held industry, navigation, culture giving them more power and control over the individuals during the Second World War and The Cold War. Therefore there is a possibility of order by strong states which summarized means that since states are not equal, they would not be equally intolerable (Vincent, 1981; Yurdusey, 2006, p.316). However there is also a possibility that states are equal as men are, because if there was univ ersal nuclear proliferation this would have created the â€Å"equality of fear† giving the chance and capability of a state to â€Å"kill† other state (Gauthier, 1957; Heller, 1980, p.24-27). However, the Hobbesian meaning of â€Å"life† and â€Å"death† could be misunderstood when it comes to states. According to Hobbes (1660; Hackety, 1994), â€Å"life† is the â€Å"artificial soul† which gives â€Å"life and motion to the whole body†. Therefore, states are not killed when a big part of its population and territory are destroyed, but the they loose their sovereign power to make and amend laws (Morgenthau, 1947, Heller, 1980). This condition could be achieved with a minimal amount of force or by threat. States are â€Å"alive† (Heller, 1980) when they are able to maintain its authority over citizens and also the ability to protect them like no other government. Boucher (1998, p.293-95) suggests that state’s actions are easy to predict if motivated by their interests, but on the other hand states follow their momentary interests making them a big threat because we never know when they would attack. For example, Kuwait was i nvaded by Iraq in 1990, on the grounds of interest over Kuwait’s natural resource – petroleum. This proves us again that states have more wants and needs, and that Hobbes’s idea of equality within states does not occur. States are constructed to provide men with internal peace and protect them from external affairs (Yurdusev, 2006, 313). To maintain their sovereignty, they have to protect their rights and their territory. According to Heller (1980, p.26), Hobbes’s condition of equality of ability is â€Å"satisfied† only when the weakest can actually ‘kill’ the strongest state. The idea of universal nuclear proliferation could be furthermore seen as the solution and however bring anarchy within states. With nuclear weapons the weaker states will have the capability to attack the stronger one, but on the other hand it might cause destruction to sovereignty (Heller 1980, 26). For example, if we suppose that a less powerful state as Nicaragua or any Middle East country, are able to obtain nuclear weapons they would actually lay them down in order to gain freedom from the world Leviathan – e.g., United States, Russia. Therefore, until this case of fear exists among stat es, equality of ability and fear would not exists. Life of the state is defined by Hobbes (Leviathan, 1660; Hackety, 1994) as the existing of sovereignty. Since life and state are â€Å"congruent† (Hobbes quoted by Heller, 1980, p.27), survival has been seen as a â€Å"necessary value† (McNeilly, 1968, p.178-81) and death as its ultimate aversion. Simply, while the state works in favor to survive it will achieve its objectives and vice versa, state must accomplish their objectives in order to survive. As Heller (1980, 27) suggests, this calls in question the capability of states to tolerate the state of nature because as it has occurred in the past, whole nations such as Rome, has disappeared. Therefore we cannot argue that the international state of nature has prevailed because it has not been intolerable, but it has been fatal (Heller, 1980) for its victims – Rome. In the international state of nature, the weakest fear from the others because of their low capability to defend themselves. If there is no equality between weak and strong states, then this would further undermine the capacity to state to defend itself (Heller, 1980, 24-26). Strong states have no fear of the weaker states but they do fear the other limited number of strong states because they are enough to â€Å"threaten the survival of any strong state† (Heller, 1980, 27-30). The war against all might exists and torment only the weaker state because they are defenseless. Heller (1980) suggests a situation where one state is stronger than the others, and these other states are trying to improve their position and so the chance to survive. This would lead to the creation of international anarchy where we have on main Leviathan. Leviathan is a â€Å"corporate body† (Williams, 1996, p227) and its strengths are the strengths of the others. It never sleeps or dies making it immortal. As immortal, â€Å"it transcend the limitations that simple individuals encounter in their attempts to survive in the state of nature† (Williams, 1996). Williams (1996) suggests that the result is that â€Å"the radical equality that defines the state of nature composed of individuals is not present in the relations between states†. Therefore since the states and individuals do not have the same conditions, states can use these anarchic qualities among themselves to form more stable form of â€Å"coexistence† (Hobbes; Williams, 1996; Heller, 1980). Despite the continuing absence of the Leviathan in the international system, this absence has not stated an anarchic state of nature. Hobbes present to us the idea that â€Å"the right of sovereigns are designed to ensure the indivisibility and absolute character of the sovereign’s power (Hobbes; Heller, 1980). Furthermore, he adds that the divided sovereignty is no sovereignty at all. Clark and Sohn (Heller 1980, p.25-30) suggest that if a world organization is created, war might be prevented because of the monopoly power and military power which the central law-making power holds. Therefore this idea of a world commonwealth is untenable because it looks at the state as a negotiator between individual men and word sovereignty (Heller 1980). However even though a world organization was created this would have led to a destruction. Hoffmann (1967) presents to us the â€Å"halfway house argument where Goldsmith (Quoted by Heller, 1980) further explains it as if states are to get out of the state of nature, they must agree on the laws of nature. However if states could agree on the laws of nature, there would be no need to get out of the state of nature. (Goldsmith, 1966; Gauthier, 1969) In the international system nowadays there are inter-governmental organizations – formed only from governments, which are similar to the idea of Leviathan. League of Nations and United Nations are organization where security and peace are promoted. They try to establish a â€Å"collective security† (Heller, 1980, p31). In the doctrine of collective security, as Heller (1980) further explains, the states have to â€Å"alienate† their sovereignty and join against aggressive states and participate in implication of restriction on them. However this whole idea of â€Å"collective security† did not really work out well in the League of Nations because it could only work if the states have actually transferred their sovereign power to the â€Å"supra-national† entity. To summarize, we first looked at the implication of Hobbesian theory about the nature of state, the man and anarchy. We saw how this â€Å"condition† of anarchy can differs and how it links with the war against all within the international system. Furthermore, we looked at the meaning of the Hobbesian â€Å"life† and â€Å"death† to the state which helps us to understand why states actions are easy to predict. Boucher (1998) and Heller (1980) has introduced different arguments to explain the concepts of anarchic state of nature and the â€Å"Leviathan† and the link between them. However Hoffmans (1967) â€Å"halfway house† argument clearly proves that the international anarchy wants to overtake the states sovereignty. Bibliography: Boucher: ‘Intercommunity and International Relations in the Political Philosophy of Hobbes’, KRIR, pp 145-169 Goldsmith, M.M. â€Å"Hobbess Science of Politics†; Columbia University Press, 1966 Heller, Mark A.; The Use Abuse of Hobbes: The State of Nature in International Relations; â€Å"Polityâ€Å" Vol. 13, No. 1 (Autumn, 1980), pp. 21-32 ;Published by: Palgrave Macmillan Journals; Stable URL:; Accessed on 8/03/2014 Hobbes, Thomas, 1660,Leviathan, Edwin Curley (ed.), Indianapolis: Hackett, 1994. Hoffmann, Stanley (1967) â€Å"The State of War: Essays in the Theory and Practice of International Politics† ;Review by:K. J. Holsti; The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne dEconomique et de Science politique, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Feb., 1967) , pp. 161-163; Published by:Wileyon behalf ofCanadian Economics Association; Article DOI: 10.2307/139882; Article Stable URL: Accessed on 09/03/2014 Korab-Karpowicz, W. Julian, Political Realism in International Relations,The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(Summer 2013 Edition), Edward N. Zalta(ed.), URL =>. Accessed on 09/03/2014 Moloney Pat (2011). Hobbes, Savagery, and International Anarchy. American Political Science Review, 105, pp 189-204. doi:10.1017/S0003055410000511. Accessed on: 10/03/2014 Morgenthau, Hans J. â€Å"Scientific Man vs. Power Politics† ;Review by:William Anderson Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 250, Communication and Social Action (Mar., 1947) , pp. 135-136 Published by:Sage Publications, association with theAmerican Academy of Political and Social Science Article Stable URL: Accessed on 10/03/2014 Malcolm, Noel (2004):Aspects of Hobbes, Oxford: Oxford University Press URL: Accessed on 08/03/2014 Martinich (2005) Leviathan, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 13:2, 349-359, DOI: 10.1080/09608780500093277 To link to this article: Accessed on 09/03/2014 Yurdusev, A.Nuri Australian Journal of International Affairs Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 305/321, June 2006 URL: Accessed on 8/03/2014 Williams, Michael C. (1996). Hobbes and international relations: a reconsideration. International Organization, 50, pp 213-236 doi:10.1017/S002081830002854X Accessed on 09/03/2014

Monday, August 19, 2019

How to Achieve Happiness Essay -- Happiness Essays

"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." -- Abraham Lincoln According to Cambridge's Online Dictionary, happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. There are a number of attributes that correlate with happiness: relationships and social interaction, extroversion, marital status, employment, health, democratic freedom, optimism, religious involvement, income, and proximity to other happy people. Because the concept of happiness is complex and hard to measure, many people believe that happiness is mysterious, elusive, and totally out of their control. This is not true. Actually, happiness is a choice. Each person can decide whether to be happy or not. Wilhelm von Humboldt, a German philosopher, said, â€Å"I am...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Short Story :: Free Essays

Short Story Joe stepped out of the revolving doors. His sigh could easily be identified as one of relief. The dreary London rain could be seen disturbing the image of the people on the other side of the road. People's breath could be seen in the cold air. Many people were hurrying down the street armed with umbrellas like they were defending against the invading rain. Joe put up his umbrella and joined the rest of London rushing down the streets. One guy could be seen running down the road cradling what looked like his only belongings in his arms. He was soaked to the skin with the rain his body visible through his wet shirt. He walked directly into Joe and his papers all fell to the floor. He immediately buckled to one knee to retrieve them. He looked up at Joe and stared at him for while with a look of recognition. He stared for a few extra seconds, then picked up his papers and began running again, leaving with so much as an apology. Joe continued walking down the street and for sum unknown reason he was unable to set his mind free of the image of the man that collided with him. Joe called in the newsagent and the lady behind the counter handed him his cigarettes, to which he placed the exact change on the counter, without a word exchanged between the two. He finally arrived at his block of flats; he walked up the four flights of stairs the walked to his room, 403. Rather than take a key out of his pocket Joe reached above the doorway and grabbed the key from there, he placed it into the lock, opened the door and returned the key to its home. He then switched the light on. The room was plain, simple and more than anything run down. There were only enough utilities for a persons basic needs. The walls were undecorated and damp marks were visible, there were three certificates on the wall, apart from that, they were

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Medical Terminology and Healthcare

TBLS Week 1- TBLS Assignment BC1030X: Medical Terminology and Healthcare Setting & Claims Processing (7-30-2012) Section 13 Melissa Brown | Doing the exercises allows us to really look at how we can determine our future by enforcing positive thoughts and â€Å"self-talk†. OR we can destroy all possibilities by succumbing to negative† self-talk. † Today I made a conscious effort to push out of my head any negative â€Å"self-talk†. While I enhanced the positive â€Å"self-talk. † Doing both exercises allows me to really see the effects of both.I had never realized how my thinking and attitude plays such a vital role in every aspect of my life. The exercise allows me to see how I can take control over my future and even my today. How do I see myself? Well, self-examination allows me to see how my personality can positively affect others and more importantly†¦ myself. I am making an effort this entire week to use nothing but positive self-talk, acti on, behavior in every aspect of my life. I never realized how much a negative attitude, disposition and outlook affects me as a person. I have been unemployed for almost 4 months.I thought I had a job however, something went wrong with the drug test or background test and I just know they are avoiding me. I never heard of any test that takes a month to come back, so I assumed something went wrong. However, I just decided to keep putting in applications and I refuse to allow that to get me down. Positive thinking allows me to keep going with a smile on my face. I am grateful because I have a family that chips in and we will be ok. I found out what is necessary and actually what isn’t a necessity. And we are doing ok. I accredited God for that.So in that aspect a positive attitude allows me to wake up in the morning with a plan of action and I am actually enthused about it. That enthusiasm allows me to stay positive, think positively and make my day a pleasant day with all kind s of new possibilities. How I feel about myself inside reflects how others will see me. A smile can be contagious. If I am positive others around me will be as well. Self-examination and having control of our thoughts is something that I am sure with practice I can master. We will always have challenges and obstacles.I have learned how we see them, deal with them and behave plays a vital role in the overall outcome. I have faith and devoted to the most high, as a servant I believe that he gives us the empowerment to control ourselves in a manner that allows us personal growth, strength and control over ourselves. We can benefit by staying positives self-examination, and correction and that is shown in our attitude, behavior and focused on our goals. Exercise: TBLS-self talk snapshot What’s going on up there http://www. positive-thinking-for-you. com/positivethinking. html

Sample of Resume

ALVIN B. PAILAN Address: BRGY,. Cabanbanan, Pagsanjan Laguna Mobile No. : 0909-4245-651 Email: [email  protected] com OBJECTIVES: To obtain a position that will best fit my qualification and develop further my ability and skills for a Continues career development. WORK EXPERIENCE Employer: ASIAPRO COOP. , Project: MANILA DOCTORS HOSPITAL Address: UN Avenue Ermita Manila Position: Plumber Maintenance Inclusive Date: November 3, 2008 to PresentJob description:-Responsible for maintaining of submersible, motor pump and installation of piping -repair plumbing works lavatory faucet, water closet -repair and installation of water supply -responsible preventive maintenance of vacuum pump and drinking fountain -monitoring of fire pump -responsible for cleaning of water tank and cistern tank – de-clogged sewer line and sanitary line – cleaning grease trap Company: INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL MANILA Employer: ENJAYS HOTEL (HOLIDAY INN) Position: SHIFT PLUMBERInclusive Date: Septembe r 1999 – July 2004 Job Description: -Maintaining of fan coil unit -Repair kitchen equipment -Monitoring of submersible pump -Back washing of swimming pool filter -Repair plumbing works lavatory faucet, water closet -Welding and acetylene copper pipe -De Clogged all drain line -Corrective maintenance of plumbing work Company: KAPALARAN BUS LINE Address: PAGSAWITAN STA CRUZ LAGUNA Position: AUTO AIRCON MECHANIC Inclusive Date: May 1994 – September 1998 Job Description: -Welding and acetylene copper Pipe -charging Freon -Vacuuming Trouble shooting and repair air-condition Company:SANMIGUEL FOOD CORPORATION Address:Cabuyao Laguna Position:Sales Representative Inclusive Date:September 1998 – October 1999 Job Description:-Delivery of all items magnolia foods -Receiving product Seminar Attended: -Basic Safety Course The maritime training center of the Philippines 3rd floor G. E. Antonio bldg,. TM Kalaw St. Ermita Manila February 15, 2002 -Medical Gas Safety Training,. (CIGI) Manila Doctors Hospital January 13, 2010 -INGASCO INC. , Product knowledge and Safe gas handling Seminar Manila Doctors Hospital April 21, 2010 -DCDC AerocomEngineering training Manila Doctors Hospital September 16, 2010 -Pacific paint (Boysen) Philippines INC,. Boysen Painting Seminar Manila Doctors Hospital March 30, 2011 -Basic Life Support Course (Lay Rescuer) Manila Doctors Hospital August 12, 2011 EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Tertiary Education: LAGUNA SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRADE Address: BRGY. ,BUBUKAL,STA. CRUZ LAGUNA Course:Refrigeration and air-conditioning Technology YEAR GRADUATED: 1992 – 1994 Secondary Education: LAGUNA SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRADE Address: BRGY. ,BUBUKAL,STA. CRUZ LAGUNA Year Graduated:1988 – 1992 Primary Education: UNSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAddress: BRGY. , CABANBANAN PAGSANJAN LAGUNA Year Graduated: 1982 -1988 SPECIAL SKILLS:Acetylene / gas welding -Plumbing works – Refrigeration and air-conditioning -Installation of piping PERSONAL DATA Date of Birth:October 16, 1975 Birth Place: Pagsanjan Laguna Civil Status: Married Religion: Roman Catholic Nationality: Filipino Height: 5’6 Weight: 160 lbs. Dialects: English / Filipino Fathers name: Bienvinido pailan Occupation: Driver Mothers name: Avelina Baltera Occupation: Sewer â€Å"I hereby certify that all the information above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief’’

Friday, August 16, 2019

Case Study for Samsung Electronics

Case Analysis for Samsung Electronics 1. What is SMIC’s strategy? Should Samsung be concerned about SMIC? SMIC seems to execute the same kind of strategy Samsung used before to succeed. The strategy is selling their products at low prices and growing their market share at the expense of profitability. SMIC may threaten Samsung’s business in the future, but not too much. Although SMIC can get many resources, such as cheap funds and lands from Chinese government and foreign investors, SMIC only focuses on producing chips, not designing chips.Samsung Distribution ChannelThe cost of the application of a new tap today is 3 billion and it is difficult for SMIC with sales revenue of 365. 8 million in 2003. Samsung’s success depends on its constant technology innovation, leading to high quality products and efficient manufacturing process which will benefit Samsung with high retail prices and low cost. SMIC seems hard to get core technology from their partners unless for ming a joint venture. However, cooperating with chip manufacturers in Taiwan seems more attractive for the leading technology owners.Except the technology, Samsung still enjoy unit cost advantage in raw materials, R&D and depreciation. SMIC may threaten Samsung’s old generation products. However, memory chip industry is a tech-oriented industry, Samsung can still maintain its leading position because its advantage in innovation. What Samsung should concern is that the fast growing Chinese market (estimated to be the second-largest semi-conduct buyer in 2010), their global competitors may get market-entry advantages through cooperating with SMIC. 2. The low cost position.Samsung operating profit advantage over the industry composite is $2. 11 per unit, 34% from selling price and 66% from cost advantage. To SMIC, it is 1. 78 per unit, 70% from selling price and 30% from cost advantage (Exhibit 1). For the comparative cost analysis, Samsung have unit advantage over the industry composite in all the five elements. They are raw materials 36%, labor 27%, depreciation 18%, R&D 3%, SG&A 25. 29%. Compared to SMIC, Samsung has advantages in raw material 36%, depreciation 17% and R&D 25%, but has disadvantages among labor 57% and SG&A 48% (Exhibit 2). . 1 Analysis Samsung VS Industry Composite a. Samsung’s unit selling price advantage comes from two aspects. First, PC OEM manufacturers would pay 1% price premium to reliable suppliers. Second, Samsung can customize its products for some special use because its diverse products line to get premium. Third, Samsung has the most advanced products which can enjoy high selling price during the first several-month launching time. b. Samsung’s unit raw material cost advantage come from three aspects. First, the material suppliers will give maximum 5% discount to large volume buying.Second, the usage of 12-inch wafer (reduce 10% cost per chip) and 0. 11? m processing technology(80%, the highest yield rate) mak es Samsung get more chips with same amount of materials. Assuming the weighted average raw material cost per chip of Samsung is 100%, the Mircon will be 134%, Indineon 116% and the Hynix 161% (Exhibit 3). c. Samsung’s unit labor’s cost may be explained by the salary differences between Samsung ($44000 per year) and the industry ($49312 per year, weighted average by production volume). Also, there are some invisible issues.Samsung provides equal and competitive corporation value, unique evaluation and promotion system and humanity warfare for their employees. These elements make Samsung more productive, so the labor cost per unit is lower. d. The reason for Samsung’s unit depreciation cost advantage per unit is similar to that of raw materials. With high processing technology (0. 11? m) to control yield rate (Samsung 80% vs Industry weighted average 59%), Samsung can produce more efficiently. So the depreciation per unit is lower. The production efficiency advant age (25%) is higher than the cost depreciation advantages (17%).That may because Samsung uses more advanced and expensive machine. e. Samsung’s advantage in unit R&D cost may come from three ways. First, the competitive corporation culture drive employees to devote themselves in innovation. And the technical person works together with the manufacturing one, making the innovation process more efficient. Second, the innovation method is effective. The can use same core technology to develop different products types, such as the DDR and Rambus. Third, centralization of the R&D facilities saves an average 12% fab construction costs. . Samsung’s unit SG&A cost advantage comes from the efficient management structure of the country reducing the general administration cost and good reputation of products reducing the sales expenses. 3. 2 Analysis Samsung VS SMIC a. Compared to the industry composite, Samsung’s profit advantage over SMIC mainly from the price realization (70%), and the cost advantage only stands for 30%. The huge price gap results from several aspects. First, the quality and reputation for SMIC is lower. Second, the technology SMIC used was one or two generation older than Samsung.Third, use the low price strategy to get the market share. Finally, SMIC using purchasing rights exchanging for technology partners, the price of product selling to their partner may be lower than the marketing price. b. The reason for Samsung’s unit material cost advantage seems similar to the one over industry composite. c. The disadvantage of labor cost is because the average salary of SMIC is only a quarter of Samsung. d. The reason for Samsung’s unit depreciation cost seems similar to the one over industry composite. The gap should be larger.However, the SMIC gets cheap loans and government support, and buy old product line from Motorola. These issues may help SMIC reduce the gap. e. Samsung’s unit R&D cost advantages may be expl ained with SMIC’s start-up status. It usually spends a lot at the early age of innovation. To build a new fab for SMIC is more expensive than Samsung. f. The disadvantage of Samsung in unit SG&A may be explained by SMIC’s strategy. Now, SMIC has to manufacture the products for their technology partners. SMIC seem to focus less on marketing their brands and become an OEM factory. 3. Can Samsung retain its cost advantage?If lose, what would happen at Samsung and SMIC? In my opinion, the main drive for Samsung’s profit is its innovation, which can lead to high selling price and low manufacturing cost. The raw materials advantages may be decreased with increasing SMIC production volume and advanced manufacturing technology. The labor disadvantage is hard to say because Chinese labor cost is also rising. The depreciation advantage may be decreased by the efficiency improvement of SMIC. The R&D gap may also be decreased by the development of SMIC. SA&G depend on to wh at degree SMIC want to promote their own brand.So the Samsung’s cost advantages over SMIC will be decreased in the future and even lose. However, assuming that someday Samsung loses its cost advantages, it is still very likely that Samsung is ahead of SMIC by one or two generation. Samsung still can make more profit by with higher selling prices. Even though SMIC can get government support and cheap funds, it cannot acquire the same kind of corporate culture and the centralized R&D facility. By the way, SMIC cannot tolerant long time profit loses as a public company and the national security concerns may put more resource on logic chip. 4. Options and recommendations. a.Joint venture: Corporate with SMIC or other chip manufacturers in China to produce low end DRAM. Even the low end technology is attractive to China and get government support. Open the potential Chinese market and reduce cost. But it is hard to maintain the relationship with the constant requirement of technol ogy transfer. b. OEM: License SMIC and make it as an OEM manufacture for Samsung. Transfer our low end technology to SMIC. The longer SMIC keeping the contract, the less threat. However, SMIC seems unwilling to accept this contract unless it faces profit pressure. SMIC’s ability may not reach the Samsung products requirement. . Focusing on our own business: Samsung’s core competency is constant and efficient innovation. Memory chip industry is technology-oriented and the advantage cannot be achieved in few years (Unless competitor gets breakthrough such as total substitute, which is little probability). The corporate value cannot be copied in a short time. Samsung may reallocate its resources of DRAM (profit, manufacturing capacity of old chips and R&D) towards more promising flash memory business. By doing that it can still keep its leading position in memory chip industry. I recommend this option.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Love and Dedication in The Old Man and the Sea

There are two unique relationships that are touched upon in the novella The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.   The first relationship is the friendship and love that occurs between the old man, Santiago and his young companion, Manolin.   They have bonded over the years in a unique father-son relationship.   The other significant relationship that the story emphasizes is the one between Santiago and the fish.   It is apparent the strong love that Santiago feels for his adversary. Through these two relationships, Santiago displays his love and dedication. The endurance of love is displayed through the relationship of Santiago and his friend, Manolin.   Their relationship has seen both ups and downs, but through it all, Manolin has stood by the old fisherman.   In the beginning of the novella, we learn that Manolin’s family has forced him to work on a different fishing boat to gain more profit.   Despite this, he still visits his old employer and helps him take care of himself and his boat.   By bringing him food and water, he is displaying his genuine feelings for Santiago.   The reader sees in the final scenes, how deep this love and affection runs.   Manolin weeps for his friend as if he has suffered the loss of the marlin as well. These feelings that Manolin has built up has been the result of the companionship that they have shared through the years.   Santiago was the one who taught Manolin how to fish and has been his friend for many years.   Santiago has become a father figure for Manolin since he did not have that type of relationship with his own father.   Santiago has been able to give the boy friendship along with feelings of self-worth.   The boy feels that Santiago is the greatest fisherman: â€Å"There are many good fishermen and some great ones. But there is only one you† (Hemingway 23).   This strong bond enables Manolin to empathize when Santiago loses his great prize. Santiago has a great love for his only friend.   Without Manolin, he would be alone and he is grateful to have the boy in his life. He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy. (Hemingway 25) The reader is revealed Santiago’s strong affection for his companion when he is alone on the boat.   When the struggle between Santiago and the marlin ensues, he wishes that Manolin was there with him.   As he's towed by the fish, the old man says: â€Å"I wish I had the boy† (Hemingway 45).  Ã‚   Santiago is very appreciative of Manolin and enjoys sharing stories with him. They talk of baseball and he relays tales of the time that he spent in Africa.   The way that the boy looks up to the old man makes him feel significant.   He feels as though he has something to teach the boy and the boy respects the skills of the man. The boy is the one bright spot in Santiago’s return from his battle with the fish.   He is content with the fact that he has defeated such a creature and is able to return to see his friend again before he joins his great fish for eternity. Santiago has a strong dedication to fishing.   In the beginning of the tale, we learn that the man has gone eighty-four days without catching a single fish.   However, he does not give up hope that his luck will change and that he will begin catching fish again.   He has dedicated his life to fishing and will not stop because he has had a run of bad luck.   Hemingway remarks â€Å"Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated† (Hemingway 10).   He does not wish to rely on luck, but would rather have faith in his skill as a fisherman. He has dedicated his life to fishing and has it down to an exact science.   He focuses all his energies on fishing: â€Å"Now is the time to think of only one thing. That which I was born for† (Hemingway 40).   This is why he makes such a formidable opponent for the marlin.   He knows the signs of a large fish and looks for them when he sets out on the water.   Furthermore, once he defeats the fish, he has the skill and ability to lash the great fish to the side of his skiff and set out for home. Despite the battle between the marlin and the old man, it is obvious that the man feels a great amount of love and respect for the creature.   He is impressed by its greatness and realizes that regardless of his determination, it is very likely that the fish will win the battle between them. You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who. (Hemingway 92) The way that Santiago regards the fish displays the great love that he feels for nature and the creatures on this earth.   Even as the battle continues on and he is weakened, he still does not feel any hatred for the fish.   As he says, â€Å"Fish, I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you dead before this day ends† (Hemingway 54).   Even after he has defeated the fish, he does not let go of the love he feels for such a magnificent animal.   When sharks attack and take most of his prize, he feels as though he has sinned by taking such a wondrous creature’s life.   He experiences a profound sense of regret and sorrow. â€Å"They must have taken a quarter of him, and of the best meat. I wish it were a dream and that I had never hooked him. I am sorry about it, fish† (Hemingway 103).   This love provokes him to vow to fight the sharks and protect the fish as best as he could, even if it means his own death. Santiago’s love and dedication to both Manolin and the fish is an integral part of The Old Man and the Sea.   These relationships turn an otherwise tragic novel, into a tale of hope.   The boy and the old man are dedicated to each other and the reader has faith that through this love, Santiago will be able to overcome the devastating loss of his prize.   Manolin vows to never leave him again and dismisses the expectations placed upon him by his family.   The ending can be considered triumphant because through Santiago’s dedication, he was able to defeat the fish and still be able to return home to his beloved friend. WORKS CITED Hemingway, Ernest.   The Old Man and the Sea.   New York: Scribner, 1995.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Relationships between critical thinking and ethics Essay

Critical thinking plays a huge role in ethics. Critical thinking is a clear and rational, open minded and informed. Ethics is moral principles that govern a person or group behavior and rule of conduct. Critical thinking is a form of fiction and identifying the unknown. Critical thinking develops a mental process of evaluation which helps to determine their ethical standards. By incorporating the critical thinking process into their mindset it enables them more effectively to make a decision based upon truths and verified information rather than unknown. There are steps to take in regards to thinking critically, and they should follow as listed in order to make a rational decision; step one; (knowledge) being able to identify what is being said. Step two (comprehension) understanding the material, you make the knowledge that you acquired your own by relating it to what you already know. The better involve, the better you comprehend. Step three. (Apply) Know what you have read, heard, seen and comprehend it and carry out some task to apply what you comprehend to an actual situation. Step four (analysis) breakdown what you read, heard and seen into components in order to make clear. Step five (synthesis) the ability to put together the part you have analyzed with other information to create something original. Step six (evaluation) occurs once you have understood and analyzed what is said or written, and the reason offered to support it. The completion of these steps will ensure you are making the best decision in any situation including ethical decision. (Ethical lens inventory) Ethical lens inventory found my ethical lens to be none periscope or paralysis. Seeing the gifts and weakness of each lens and being able to move fluidly among them to adapt the right tool in each situation. Assuring the best outcome, reasoning skills (rational) are used to determine duties (autonomy) as well as universal rules and systems that will assure fairness and justice for everyone (equality) listen to my intuition. When it comes to my blind spot, I have none. Mature expression of this position has no blind spot, and make it possible for me to see both strength and the weakness of each lens and to harmonize the four core values of autonomy, equality, rationality and sensibility. (Jeffery, 2012, para nature of accounting professional expertise)

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Case study- social commerce creates new customer relationship Study

- social commerce creates new customer relationship - Case Study Example Best Buy maintains a very large following in social media, actually using all of the data gathered from customer sentiment and question/answer opportunities with dedicated response staff as an evaluation tool. Best Buy conducts analytical research using social media data to determine whether its promotions are meeting with success. The article warns, however, that there are difficulties to using social media as a promotional tool, citing Starbucks as an example. This company received many photos chastising Starbucks for its labor practices, rather than delivering photos of advertising posters mandated by the contest. 1. Assess the people, organization, and technology issues for using social media to engage with customers. Pornpitakpan (2003) identifies the importance of using celebrity endorsers for improving a product brand position. Consumers find that a brand is more credible when an attractive and trustworthy celebrity endorses the product. When using social media, the people wit hin the organization become a type of celebrity endorser (such as Steve Jobs at Apple, Inc.), thus the information being provided to customers must be considered credible. Companies such as Best Buy, with their Twelp Force responders, become the face of Best Buy and therefore their behaviors must be controlled, the depth of their competence must be evaluated, and the content being transmitted over the social network must be relevant to consumer needs. From a people perspective, it would add risk by having employees represent the company and a potential cost burden. The company would also have to organize social media activities within the value chain, ensuring supervision, control systems, and those responsible for developing creative Web content. Using social media might require a more decentralized organization. In relation to technology, the brand using this platform for promotion or customer relationship management would need to ensure they have staff trained in gathering analyt ical online data and transforming it into useful information. 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media for advertising, brand building, market research and customer service? There are many advantages for using these sites. Apple, Inc., as one example, often uses social media to gain more presence with customers. Apple has the highest brand loyalty of any technology company, according to JD Power (Info Tech, 2007). Apple has conducted considerable market research about the lifestyles and attitudes of customers and is able to generate content that is relevant to these beliefs and lifestyles. Thus, what social media does for Apple is create real-time relationship development and interactivity with the Apple brand in a way that is not met by competitors. Social media sites also fit under the psychological theory of social learning. When people look toward their peers about product purchasing, they will often emulate these behaviors. Thus, the social media sites provide meaningful peer feedback that in turn changes attitudes about a brand. Best Buy, as illustrated in the case study, is a benchmark of using real-time response units to provide better customer service. Social media serves as a platform for engagement in a way not seen traditionally. Disadvantages can be illustrated by companies like